Online Resources
Find lists of keystones plants for your region. These plants are the top supporters of insect species. Also includes lists of top pollinator specialist species for your region.
Native Plants of North America at Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Many resources, including the Native Plant Database (searchable by scientific name, common name, and image).
A mapping (to the county level) of native regions of plants in North America.
Developed by the PA Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources, the site has information on PA natives, garden templates, and more.
Regional pollinator plant lists, as well as information for plantings in gardens, parks, schools, roadsides and more!
Pollinator Friendly Plants for the Northeast US
List of recommended native plants from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Includes photos, site/soil conditions and value to beneficial insects.
Pollinator Plant Lists and Posters
Online resources from pollinator expert and author Heather Holm
Butterfly Larval Host Plant List
List of native PA butterflies and their caterpillar host plants, compiled by York County Master Gardener Program
Online resources from the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, helping homeowners become more "riverwise". Includes a detailed Yard Design Tool to help guide you through the process of designing a rain garden or conservation landscape.
Bird-Friendly Plants for Wetlands/Stormwater
Recommended native trees, shrubs and perennials for wetlands, stream banks, riparian buffers and rain gardens. Developed in cooperation with the PA Audubon Society, this downloadable pdf includes pictures, site requirements and benefits for wildlife.
Rain Gardens - The Basics - PA
Introduction to rain gardens for home landscapes, developed by Penn State Extension. Click here for a list of recommended native plants for PA rain gardens. Check out this informational video highlighting the transformation of a problematic residential yard to a beautiful rain garden.
Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve
A non-profit organization focused on the preservation and appreciation of PA native plants, "serving as a sanctuary and an educational resource for conservation and stewardship." The website includes information for gardening with natives, such as links to cultural and habitat handouts and native plant informational snapshots.
A non-profit botanical garden that is also a center for horticultural research and education with a mission "to inspire an appreciation for the beauty and value of native plants and a commitment to protect the habitats that sustain them." Many resources on the site, including a native plant finder.
Enter your zip code to find a list of native plants (and the types of birds attracted by each one), recommended for your area by the National Audubon Society. Provides additional tips and resources for attracting birds to your yard.
Chesapeake Bay Native Plant Center
Specify your region, plant type(s), sun exposure, soil texture and soil moisture, and you will get a list of plants suitable to your needs. Click on Resources at their site to access the free online pdf booklet Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping, as well as other helpful resources.
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Online pdf with recommended plants for supporting wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
​Plant Finder
A searchable database of 6800+ plants, developed by the Missouri Botanical Garden. Includes native ranges
and invasive alerts.
Native Plants for the Small Yard
The Lehigh Gap Nature Center in Slatington, PA created this wonderful resource with small native garden plans for home landscapes. Each plan includes plant lists for variations in light/moisture. Information about site preparation, invasive species to avoid/remove and much more helpful info is included. And you can download the full booklet for FREE at their website.
Maryland Native Plant Resources
Online native plant resources from University of Maryland Extension. Includes recommended plants and links to additional resources.
Landscaping with Native Plants (MD)
​ Online pdf booklet (full color) from MD Native Plant Society.
Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas
Online pdf version of this 170 page handbook from the National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service. Extensive information on numerous invasives, including identification pictures, ecological threat, prevention and control, and native alternatives.
Become a member or just browse the resources and events.
Planting for Pollinators Guides
Enter your zip code for a detailed planting guide to help pollinators in your region. Provided by the Pollinator Partnership.
Find specific soil data for your yard, including soil composition, natural drainage class, runoff class, depth to water table and more. Instead of plant trial-and-error, match plants to your specific soil!
Key soil properties for all PA counties. If you click on "How to find your soil", there are instructions for using the Web Soil Survey.